Greensleeves is a song that was originally used by two brothers from Canada in their display.  You can see it here.  The song is by 00.52.  It is available as a free download over the web.  It is here.  The song has been edited from its original version.   Essentially, the beginning of the song has been deleted and the end has been altered. 

The sequence that is available for download was done by Ken W. Good for the 2005 Christmas.  You can download the sequence in a zip file that is made up of:  the sequence, and the song file.  The video that is linked above shows the completed sequence actually in use. 


If you have any questions about what channels control which lights, you may press control L and pull up the test light function to test the individual channels to test the lights on the visualizer window. 


Once you have downloaded this file, you can use it in two ways.  First, you will have the sequence as it was used originally used.  Second, you can import the file into your show set up and you will have the time tracks for your set up.  Next, you can delete the programming.  Thereafter, you can go back and forth between the two versions and copy individual channels to your individual channels.  Save frequently.  

Good Luck

                                                            Ken W. Good



Greensleeves (What Child is This)